Monday, May 3, 2010


Indian fashion marketing –2010—A report made on facts as per real sales of non branded items to branded items. Facts are facts cannot be tabulated in emotional and cultural based fashion market of India.

Fashion is clothing or garments or just warping body to protect from natural hardships, well it is not 100% true statement these days, fashion is style and culture and what your are as person.

We are in 21st centaury where India is placed ahead of many nations in terms of fashion and money spending on fashion related merchandise, Creativities are what? Which can sell at high price? NO. Indian fashion creativity is style, protection and status, might be same everywhere part of world. But today high population of India, which earlier or 20 years back heavily in villages say 60% of whole population and we think we can sell good fashion only at metro towns, but not, with invasion of satellite TV and growing literacy rural population is more into fashion, and fashion here only proves you are grown from rural status to metro person. Well still In India poverty and religious statements influence our fashion statement, but up to 3 to 5% in rural areas only.

Well getting figures, which is more important to make sales and marketing report and proves being business school graduate, here are some facts which are influenced by research and theories but better on really of India fashion where, still 60% of whole sales in unbranded and un accountable and good news is that branded fashion items sales is growing according to me shall be above 30% annually, it includes sales on branded clothing with fake label, which is very common here in India, but not to worry, with my sales plan we can cut that from 80% as we can educate our clients, anyway this is only beginning of facts which as marketer you can find in any professors mouth or in project reports available in business school or consultants papers.

Market is big but not big and organized to have Wal-Mart or H and M stores to begin, but profits can go up to high scale, here not mention that market is still dominated by unbranded sales items.


1-growing fashion awareness due to satellite TV or education among teens and rural population, which are the best new buyers

2-High sales among middle class-Good salary leads to make big spending and fashion comes first after food

3-Growing new towns apart from metro and growing rural areas, like new IT towns, new industrial towns, new school based towns, new weekend based towns and many more in list as we need all things new and planned and new thins influence fashion sales at first place.

4-Growing teen buyers-Telling you the fact that Indian parent love to spend among their teen ages, so they buy t-shirt for 100usd because they find good.

5-Grwoing sports facilities and events in India—sports and fitness items sales grow like 40% annually anything I have sold items to people those have not wore sports shows in their 60years of life but today for morning walk they need that.

6-Fetivals influence everything in fashion here, from brand launch to major yearly sales boost that can make your yearly sales profits high—Apart from major 8 yearly festivals time that can increase sales upto50% on that particular month, we have festivals every week in any part of India

7-Growing women working and education class-Women are the best buyers and they are growing at 35% in all population growth, so we can target workingwomen and get sales boost of at least 15%.

8-Growing mall, hyper market and high end stores culture-People looking forward for buying at near buy mall, here they get variety and discounts bigger that any single brand flagship store, this segment is growing at least 25% annually

9-Grwoing influence of new education culture here in India, which influences fashion sales 20% annually –here I mean that new working and education segments like fashion studies, writing, IT and many more influence people to buy their work or study related clothing, which is growing.

10-Influnce of high status—It comprise 60% sales growth in branded fashion clothing/high end homes etc. Wearing Prada or Rado Watch and driving Jaguar car is common in even smaller towns, we have fasted growing market of mid sized cars in world.

11—Good adverting is common way to increase sales, but here in India where buyers vary from block to block, we need very much sales point centered advertising, we can discuss at large

12-Quality—India fashion buyers are growing in money power and understanding fashion so quality is more important than design, which influence a lot

13-Price influence is everywhere but here it matters more that only design/quality and value for money—So discount sales are big and we can make it happen in big way

14-Marriage clothing and related fashion items sales time influence some time 50% growth in our monthly sales chart, as it is like thanks giving time among Indian people, marriages still are arranged and in bigger way, where we have traditional clothing segments and car gifting time too, well it is high end segment we can discuss, if you are in this segment, where catering service company also makes 400% profit in a day. Rest we can discuss

Here is small sales plan only to get into if your merchandise is good and priced well, specially ladies fashion clothing or studio apartment of middle high end or high end segment.

· Take ladies dress or men watch, wine, gift item

· Here merchandise is 10to 15 USD retail prices

· Advertising has been done in taking 10% advertising cost in product pricing

· Identify 30 cities with 20 sales point comes 600.

· Doing 5 pieces sales per day, 600x5=1500 in day

· Make 20 days a month is 20x1500=30000 pieces a month.

· Launching product having some European or usa brand value

· Launch preparation time is 3month and might be Indian weeding or festival time.

It is tested and tried at small level and medium level but we have to discuss full points with top brand owners and serious companies those willing to invest in sales plan of fashion clothing/luxury good, gifts and high end homes In India. read and trust before we start any professional talk, only confirm email and telephone call please to start with.


Please advice and call me if you are serious in entering INDIA FASHION BASED MARKET.

Thanks and best regards

Shailesh Sharma 18 years sourcing and sales experience

NEW DELHI, INDIA, Mobil 091 9810786040
